
Monday, December 6, 2021


For the past few weeks I have been doing music, We got into four groups, The instruments we used were triangles and tambourines, we also used block instruments, drums and maracas. I used a block instrument. We had to come up with some notes to play. First we played all the instruments at once then we had individual turns in our groups then we had one group do it then the next group played their instruments while the other group was playing at the same time.
These were the notes we used.

This was the instrument I played.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday Mashup

                                                  Monday Mashup

For Monday Mashup I have been learning how to speak French, The first day we learnt mainly how to greet people and we made fortune tellers. We have learnt all the colours in french and numbers up to 10. This is how you say what is your name in french, Comment t'appelle tu and this is how you say my name is, je m'appelle,  Bonjour means hello and au revoir means goodbye. Please is S'il vous plait and Thank you is Merci. Comment ca va means How are you, Ca va mal means I feel bad and Ca va bien means I feel good.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Christchurch Symphony Orchestra

                      Christchurch Symphony Orchestra 
For the past few days we have been learning how to play different instruments with some people from the Christchurch symphony orchestra. We have been making a rap about space. We got a choice from 3 different instruments. There was a choice of Violin, Drums or Ukulele and there was also a group for singing the rap but I wanted to play a instrument I chose Ukulele. Kathy was teaching the violin, Emma was teaching the Rap, Serenity was teaching the drums and Sharon and Ross were teaching the Ukulele. I have enjoyed making this rap, I hope I can do this again sometime.
The song goes Like this
Whats up there, No air, No gravity, Dark to infinity (Shhhhh)
When the earth travels around the sun I see day and Night
No Pluto

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Old Spooky Railway


Hi my name is Emma and today I bought a photo to put on my wall in a frame, it was called the Old Spooky Railway. It has an old crooked railroad that is covered in spongy gross lime green moss, foggy white mist that covers the whole forest, a spooky setting almost like a ghost town and lush green trees waving in the wind. It is a bit spooky but a wonderful sight, I hung it in the middle of my living room and gazed at it for hours, then I had risky, weird but wonderful idea...

I should touch it, even though when I brought it, it had a star covered sign on it saying... magical BEWARE! I obviously didn't believe it so why not try it out? I tip toed towards the painting and as soon as I touched it... I was forced down a wormhole! I could see the end, it was at the forest that was in the picture! As I came out of the wormhole I landed with a THUD! At this point I was really scared I didn't know what to do.  

I stood up, whys because I definitely would not get out if I would have just sat there, I mean I might find a way out. As I climbed up narrow spooky railway I heard a crow and just after I heard that it swooped over me I screamed AAGGHH what do you want from me, I started to cry.... oh sorry I did not mean to startle you it said my name is Ava the crow, ''you can talk I sniffed well if you can talk maybe you can help me?''

Help you? what happened, aren't you supposed to be here?  "no" I sniffed in reply. Ohh certainly, now how did you get here? um well I sort of touched a painting 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Food Earth

 Today We made the Earth out of food first we got given a skewer then a marshmallow and then a m&m then some chocolate got melted and we dipped the food earth into the chocolate and then we had to wait for it to dry we also had to squeeze it to make the tectonic plates  . It does not look exactly like the earth but we are just representing the earth.

Chocolate= Crust
Marshmallow = Mantle
M&m = inner and outer core

Under the Earths surface

                                           Under the Earths surface

The Earth has 2 core's a Inner core and a outer core the inner core is made out of solid Iron and the outer core is made out of liquid Iron. 


The Earth has 2 core's a Inner core and a outer core the inner core is made out of solid Iron and the outer core is made out of liquid Iron. 

The Mantle

The next layer is called the mantle . it is made of rock it is very hot in the part of the Earth.


The crust is the part of the earth and we walk on the crust.

Tectonic plates

 These 6 large plates fit together like a puzzle.

Temperature, Capacity and Mass

 Term 3, 2021 Temperature                                                                                                                                

I learnt                                                                                                                                                                1) That other countries use Fahrenheit and we use Celsius.                                                                              2) That capacity means how much something holds.                                                                                          3) I learnt that the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.                                                                                                                                                          4)The average temperature of the human body is 37 degrees Celsius.     



 1) Mass is measuring the weight of something.                                                                                                 2) I learnt that 16 ounces = 1 pound                                                                                                                   3) An electronic scale is more accurate than a kitchen scale                                                                               4) 1000 milligrams= 1 gram

Temperature, Capacity and Mass slide show      

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Egg Earth

                                     The Egg Earth                                    Today we did an experiment called egg earth because we have been learning about earth. We got a boiled egg and we had to bang it on the table to create cracks they would represent the tectonic plates on earth. Next we had to cut the egg in half, it smelled GROSS! WE had to guess what each layer was the shell was the crust the egg white was the mantle, it also had this layer that was brown because it had been boiled for too long that was the outer core, the last layer was the inner core that was the yolk                                                                                                                                                  Here Are Some Photos   

Friday, July 9, 2021

Term 2 Reflection

                                                      Term 2 Reflection

This term my favourite thing has been Dancing Like the stars and choir because I like singing and dancing.    My biggest challenge was probably Walking the bridle path Because it was really really steep.                      This year I learnt that the Europeans built V Shaped Huts because they were easy to build. I am proud of me doing Ukulele because I went out and did a big performance called strum strike and blow in front of around 1000 people.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bridle Path

                                                                Bridle Path                      

On July 6th we walked the Bridle Path to experience what the people in the 1850's had to go through. As we were walking I was really tired because I didn't have much water. The hardest part was definitely walking up because it was really steep and I nearly got blown over. I think it would have been really hard for the Europeans in the 1850's because they had to carry all of their belongings while walking the Bridle Path. When I reached the top I felt really proud because I honestly thought I was not going to make it to the top.

Here Are Some Photos



Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Great Journey Brunner and Kehu

                                             The Great Journey Brunner And Kehu
Kehu and Brunner went on a big journey to reach Milford sound from nelson, They were exploring down a big bush it was creepy and green then they saw a river they made a raft out of logs and harakeke. 

They went down the river but not knowing there was a rip. Brunner got pulled in a rip but luckily he survived. They jumped down two big water fulls and every time they did something scary they had to see who went to do it first. The river was called Buller river.

They had to eat rats too which is gross. Then they saw a beach they could not cross they had to climb a cliff they had to make a ladder out of rocks and vines. It looked really old and sceechey  they did paper sessers rock brunner whent first he climbed up so did kehu after him they got to the top and they were done. know they just need to go home the end 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Different V Shaped Huts





Monday, June 21, 2021

New Zealand History Inquiry

For our inquiry about belonging and New Zealand history, I have chosen to investigate about V-shaped huts

Here is my research  

V-shaped huts were made by the Europeans in the 1850s.

V-shaped huts were distinctive to the Canterbury settlement and were put up as

temporary accommodation for new settlers. The buildings consisted of a thatched

roof with doors and windows at one end. They appear not to have had chimneys,

suggesting cooking was done outside.

These were built at Riccarton and photographed in 1864. These huts were erected

by Charles Bowen, father of the Hon. Charles Christopher Bowen, and were the first

in the district They were located at Milford, rural section Number Ninety-four on

Fendall Town Road.


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Friday, June 4, 2021

Making Bread and butter from the 1860's

 Making bread and butter like in the 1860's           

                        A few days ago me and my group made bread and butter the way people made it in the 1800's.

The first thing we did was make the butter, to make it you will need:

  •  Cream
  • Jar
  • button

first you put the button in the jar, then you pour the cream in, after you have done that you put the lid on and shake it for about 30 mins. (you should feel it getting thicker) Once you have done that you should end up with butter and whey, whey is they part that is still runny. once we had done that we took the butter out of the jar and put it in the fridge. 

Next we made the bread the ingredients were:

  • 3 cups of self-raising flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 80g butter, chilled, cubed (NOT the one you made)
  • 3/4 cup water

Step 1

Preheat oven to 200c. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into the flour until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.  

Step 2

Add the water to the flour mixture and use a round-bladed knife in a cutting motion to mix until the mixture just comes together, adding 1-2 tablespoons extra water if the mixture is a little dry. use your hands to bring the mixture together.

Step 3

Turn the dough onto lightly floured surface and knead gently for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Shape into an 18cm disc and place on tray. Use a sharp knife that has been dipped in flour to mark 8 wedges on top. Dust the damper with a little extra flour and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes or until the damper is cooked through and sounds hollow when tapped on the base transfer to a wire rack for 5 minutes to cool slightly serve warm or at room temperature.


Friday, May 28, 2021

What I learnt at Ferry-mead

I Learnt:

  • Ladies first.
  • Take care of your shoes because they were made of fabric.
  • Children are seen not heard.
  • To greet each other the men will take of their hats and say good. day ma'am and the woman would smile and nod their head.
  • Candles were made of animal fat.
  • Woman would wear a coloured dress with an apron over top, they would also wear a bonnet.
  • Men would wear a grey or blue top and pants, they would also wear a cap of the same colour.
  • Woman would do most chores.
  • They would have to make their toys.
  • When going on the boat to new zealand they would have to pack a bag they would need on the trip and one that they would not need until they reach new zealand.
  • To heat up an iron they would put it over a fire.
  • How to do the chores at the V hut like planting, putting flax on the roof, cutting wood, ironing, washing cloths and scrubbing the deck.

Friday, May 7, 2021

School Lunches

This is my slideshow I made with my friends Isla, Lexie and Charlie.

The steps to making it are:)  Make a google form about the lunches send it to some people I sent it to 3 classes at my school, then get your results screenshot them and put them on a slideshow you made for them. write some things that you learnt, Make a Letter, record your data and your done.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Swimming Olympics

                                              The Swimming Olympics

One day I woke up, I remembered it was the big day it was the Olympics I got up got dressed had breakfast and got my togs and rushed to the pool, I was about 20 minutes early so I had to wait for a bit then 20 minutes later we started I was one of the first people competing. I was very nervous.Then I realised I was competing against my best friend, then sadly I didn,t win then I tried again and I won then I let someone else have a turn. Then Just as I was hopping in to the pool my family turned up then I tried really hard and I crossed the line I won I was really proud of my self my family was proud of me too then the last people went then I went home.  

Wednesday, March 10, 2021



It was a dark and stormy night just as I went to go check on my bird I

was going to bed I saw my bird sleeping Then I headed off to bed

it had been a good night until around 11:30 I heard banging then I

started to see a light I went to go check what it was and believe it or

not it was my bird he was flashing and banging trying to get out of his

bird cage then he finally got out of the cage and he bit me then he flew

out of the house I ran outside and there was another bird but it was

like 10 times bigger than my bird then they flew away. I tried to get my

bird back then I ran out 10 minutes later and my bird was lying on the

ground outside my house I took it to the vets and the bird had to get

put down so after that had happened I got another bird to remind me

of the other one then my cat came to my home and nearly got my

bird I was only just lucky enough that my cat did not get her then

another bird came to my house and it would not leave then I realized

this was my old bird I must of got the wrong bird I must of picked up

another bird I am so lucky to have you back then my bird started

talking then the next bird started talking then my cat started talking

then I realized I was day dreaming about the animals talking. THE END.

Monday, March 8, 2021

My acrostic poem








If you want to make a acrostic poem get a piece of paper and write each letter of your name long ways down then ask someone around you how would they best describe you from the letters of your name then write them down on your piece of paper then get a photo of you if you want and then you are done. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Garden Group

  Garden Group 

 So far this year I have been in the garden group.                                                                                               We have been picking fruits and planting things. We planted pumpkins, spring onions, spinach and cauliflower. I did lots of pumpkin and cauliflower.  I have had lots and lots of fun. Soon we are going to do some cooking. I don't know what we are cooking yet but all I know is we are using the plums and apples we have picked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Here is Some Photos 


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Our Treasure Hunt.

                                                   Our Treasure Hunt

(1)  I enjoyed all the fun things we did today in our Treasure Hunt.

(2) I found it hard because we had to keep on going back and fourth.

(3) My group didn't work well together because Arthur was running off saying "lets go here".

(4) Next time we could try working together a little bit more.